Location: Logroño
Author: José Seguí Perez. Architect
ESTUDIO SEGUI in collaboration with PEREIRA-ROYO Architects
Project date: 2022
Order: D.G. Urban Agenda and Architecture of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)
Surface Area: 1.900m2
The Extension of the Bretón de los Herreros Theatre in Logroño was the subject of a Project Competition promoted by the D.G. of Urban Agenda and Architecture of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA), and was won by the teams of PEREIRA-ROYO and ESTUDIO SEGUI Architects, with the collaboration of the GARCIA DIEGUEZ consultancy firm for the scenographic installations.
The proposal is developed as a stage complement to the Bretón de los Herreros Theatre itself in order to enhance its theatrical activities, with a more flexible and multi-purpose hall that allows a wider coverage of the cultural programmes for the City of Logroño. In this sense, an attractive space is planned that, in the manner of a “corrala”, will allow for the versatility of the multiple uses that will be demanded, from experimental theatrical performances that require variable stage positions, to avant-garde musical activities, conferences, competitions… that will make possible the spatial flexibility required for a diverse and attractive programme for the city.
Its architectural conception has been based on the respect and spatial continuity with the main Theatre, improving its scenographic requirements and access lobbies that merge into a single space to qualify its identification. The façade is resolved with a glass “canvas” that respects the order of the adjoining buildings, taking advantage of its roof as an attractive viewpoint towards the historic centre of the city. It could be summed up as a Multi-purpose Hall that is integrated into the main Theatre to enhance and qualify its theatrical and stage activity, respecting not only its current presence but also enhancing its urban image in the city of Logroño.